Injury, Recovery & Peak Week for Bodybuilding Competitor's Feat Monika Hosnedlova

Monika has become well known for her pre show treatments, with many competitors showing off their crazy post treatment results. It was great to get Monika on to hear more about who she is as a person, how she got to where she is now, as well as what goes on behind the scene.

Content includes

Her own competing journey

Her story from university, hustling to get by then her incredible story to where she is now and going for it

Recovery as an athlete

Sports massages during peak week

Neurological benefits to the treatments

Self care during off season and prep

Injury & recovery

Lessons from competitors

Are the treatments different for competitors being so close to show?

Monika’s Socials:

For feedback, guests suggestions or just to say hi! You can contact us at

In collaboration with KOMPAK | #1 competing store