What my best friend REALLY thinks about the competing industry
Issy is a friend who I’ve known for over 7 years. She is brutal and honest.
Which is why I wanted to get her on the podcast to get her honest opinion (good and bad) about what she thinks about competing and the industry itself.
She has helped me with many projects within KOMPAK and knew me before I decided to step on stage.
Hopefully, if you have friends and family who are struggling to get on board, then this will shed some light on a perspective from ‘their’ side.
Follow Issy / www.instagram.com/issysimons/
Meet up #2 - 16th Nov - London - Are you coming?
This event will give you the chance to learn the tools and strategies you need to smash all your offseason goals, both on AND off the stage. Limited tickets are available / www.kompak.store/event/standard-release-16th-nov