Not Just A Bikini Girl Podcast

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Life After Bikini Competitions Featuring Former Bikini Champion Dominique Binns

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Life After Competing Featuring Dominique Binns Not Just A Bikini Girl

This episode is a MUST listen for any competitor regardless what stage you are at in your competing journey. Why? because there will come a time when you will either take a break from competing or stop competing all together, so it’s important you look ahead and know that there is life without competing.

Dominique Binns talks openly for the first time about why she started competing in the first place, what happened during her competing days and why she decided competing was no longer for her.

Other topics include: self-worth as a competitor, knowing your purpose, importance of intention vs expectation, judges opinions, adjusting to life after competing and much more.

The two books Dominique mentions are: Mark Manson: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**K & Richard Carlson: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Ask Dominique your questions about life after competing: